A heart rate monitor (HRM) can be a valuable tool for runners, whether you’re just starting out or have been running for years. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using a HRM for running and how it can help you optimise your training and reach your goals.

What is a heart rate monitor?

A HRM is a device that measures your heart rate, or the number of times your heart beats per minute. There are several different types of heart rate monitors, including chest strap monitors that use sensors to detect your heart rate and transmit the data to a watch or other device, and wrist-worn monitors that use sensors to measure your heart rate from your wrist.

How a HRM can improve your running

Using a heart rate monitor can help you track your progress and set goals for your running. By tracking your heart rate during runs, you can get a sense of how hard you’re working and whether you need to push yourself harder or take it easier. A HRM can also help you optimise your training intensity by alerting you when you’re working too hard or not hard enough. Additionally, using a HRM can help you maintain proper form and avoid injury by alerting you if your heart rate gets too high or if you’re not getting enough recovery between runs.

Other benefits of using a Heart Rate Monitor for running

In addition to tracking your progress and optimising your training intensity, a HRM can also help you manage your stress levels and track your sleep and recovery. By monitoring your heart rate during different activities, you can get a sense of how your body is responding to stress and adjust your training accordingly. A heart rate monitor can also be helpful for tracking your overall health and fitness levels, as changes in your heart rate can be a sign of changes in your fitness level or overall health.


Using a HRM for running can be a valuable tool for tracking your progress, optimising your training intensity, and managing your stress levels. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced runner, a HRM can help you reach your goals and maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. If you’re considering using a heart rate monitor for your running routine, we encourage you to give it a try and see the benefits for yourself.

Heart Rate Monitor for Running