Why I run? Running is unique to every individual so here are the reasons I run and what it has given me over the years πŸ™‚.

1. Mental thinking time

In todays world there is no greater gift than time away from screens to think. Give your mind time to wander and process current challenges and issues you may be facing. Stuck on a problem in world? No problem a run sorts that out!

After a run, your body will enable the growth of new blood vessels This, in turn, may also produce new brain cells in certain locations through a process called neurogenesis. Through the hippocampus and new brain calles, running is likely to lead to an overall improvement in brain performance by improving memory and give better task-switching ability!

Feeling low? A run gives me the runners high. Many studies have also shown to have a positive impact on depression as it limits the brain’s response to physical and emotional stress.

2. Exploring new places

Being away on family holidays and with work means I can be away from home and still feel the need to run. This helps mix up the training, rather than running the same local routes. I also find this a great opportunity to explore the area I’m in, get my bearings. If I’m out early enough in the morning I can usually see sights and sounds that most won’t.

3. Friends

One of the biggest social benefits of running is improved social life. Along with making new friends and social channels. Joining a running club was great and I made some great friends through it. I find it a great leveller as there is no hierarchy.

As the barrier to ‘go for a run’ is so low, it’s easy to arrange to meet up with a friend for a run.Β 

4. Achievements

Through running I’ve ran many events, including 10k’s, half marathons and marathons. This has given me a sense of achievement and fantastic memories, not to mention a big medal haul! πŸ…

5. Fitness

Lastly, an obvious point but running has given me fitness. The ability to not get out of breath easily, have a low resting heart rate and keep up with the kids! It’s also great to help maintain a healthy weight whilst enjoying good food every now and then πŸ˜‰.

Why I run summary

By making running a regular part of my life, it’s given me so much than just the obvious physical benefits. Exercise is the best thing we can do to slow the cognitive decline, associated with normal ageing. I found it difficult at first but the effort is worth it if you’re looking to break out of the day to day rut. Remember, if you don’t do anything different, nothing will ever change πŸ™‚.

Please see my articles on advice, along with training sessions and training plans.

Why I Run