With the temperature dropping, running in the winter can be difficult. How can you keep your running going? Those dark and cold days can make it mentally difficult to get out.

You could hop on the treadmill, if you have access but you should get outside if you can. It’ll help break your day up and get some fresh air. Follow these tips to keep on top of your training.

1. Pay less attention to your pace

Just by getting out you’re doing great! If the weather doesn’t suit, don’t feel you have to do your planned session. If the surface is slippy you would be best getting through your run, rather than risk injury. Keep it relaxed and steady, if you can reschedule your session then great, but don’t worry if not.

2. Run on well lit and clear roads and paths

This applies to running all year round in the dark, but particularly important in the winter. Snow and rain can make surfaces slippy so avoid unlit roads and paths, even unadopted roads should be avoided if you know they’re full of potholes! 😉 You may also want to consider taking a rest day if it’s really cold, particularly if you’re getting out early as you may risk slipping on black ice.

3. Dress appropriately

May sound obvious, but consider base layers, gloves and a hat. You can always start with a lap around your block first if you want to discard any layers if you get too warm. If you’re running in strong chilly wind, consider a buff to cover your face if the wind, along with appropriate footwear and socks if running in the snow or rain.

4. Warm up

This goes without saying and you should always warm up before a run. That being said with the lower temperatures you’ll want to spend longer getting your heart rate higher so you can hit the road.

Loosen up before you leave the house. Stabilising muscles around your ankles and hips will benefit from focus with multi-directional movements such as leg swings or circular ankle rotations.

5. Change your clothes quickly at end of run

Your temperature will drop as soon as soon as you stop running, so look to get changed quickly. If you’re not finishing your run at home then plan ahead. Especially important if you’ve been out in the rain or snow! You can even plan ahead and have you comfy clothes laid out for when you return.

Bonus advice

Few extra tips which have helped over the years of running in the winter. 😀

  • Take Vitamin D through the winter. If you’re running in the dark mornings or evenings then staying indoors all day you’ll benefit from giving your immune system a boost!
  • Buy a head torch. This will open up unlit paths to mix up your routes. I recommend the Petzl Actik!
  • If you’re getting out early, lay your kit on the night before. Reduce that barrier to entry on getting out the door in the morning.

If you enjoyed this and looking for more advice, I recommend this article on stretching before a run. 😎

Running in the Winter