Recent research shows running motivation during the first part of 2021 was at an all-time low, compared to the first lockdown in 2020. The cold & wet weather and shorter days obviously play a part but there are things we can do to combat it.

Maybe you’re sick of running in the dark or the same routes, so what can you do? Variety is the spice of life so there are ways you can make yourself feel more motivated, by as much as 40%!

Mixing up your routine

A new study has found that regularly changing your fitness regime and trying new things could boost your fitness motivation by almost 40%.

The study by the HUAWEI, supported by sports psychologist Prof. Andy Lane, says that chopping and changing your fitness activities could be the key to keeping you active. This could include running different routes, cycling, swimming, HIIT, to name but a few. The key is to try something new. That could be trying new running intervals, or ditching the running shoes and heading out on the bike.

Running motivation Research

The research reveals that 20% of people find that mixing it up gives them the most motivation to keep going. Furthermore, 35% saying that setting themselves goals is key. 32% who find that tracking their progress is the best incentive to get them out the door.

The post-run rush of endorphins is also a significant factor in boosting motivation, with 51% of Brits citing the feel-good factor as a reason they keep up with their exercise plan.

‘Getting fit and doing regular exercise is a goal many of us want to achieve and mixing up your workouts can really help aid motivation and enjoyment, particularly during a challenging time like this’.

‘Goal-setting is a highly successful method of raising motivation, but understanding that you need to vary your training is really important if you wish to get fit and enjoy training.’

Prof. Andy Lane

Although 76% of Brits state that regular exercise has a positive impact on their mental health, 41% admit they’re struggling to find the motivation to keep going, with 20% working out less during the 2021 lockdown than they did previously.

Changing up your Routine

Changing up a fitness routine and trying something new, could help get you back on track. Three different workouts a week is seemingly the magic number for motivation. 26% who stay motivated to exercise trying this number of workouts in a week. 9% work out five times or more a week.

Even outside of lockdowns, Brits throw in the towel after an average of three weeks after starting a new plan. 16% lose losing motivation after two weeks or less. But an impressive 29% say they don’t lose motivation at all. 

45% of respondents say that they’re either lacking in motivation as they get bored of working out while 45% also admit that they just don’t feel like exercising.

Running Motivation Goals

Setting goals for each different type of activity can help us focus, raises the excitement and encourages us to continue. When you set goals and have a way to see progress this aids running motivation.

I find either having a weekly time or distance goal motivates me. This, along with including key interval sessions through the week to prevent the monotonous onset of ‘just running’

Looking for other ideas? You can also read my other post on how to make running awesome, not boring here.

Running Motivation