Online running coach, what can they do for you and why would you work with one? I just want to cover the basics of online coaching and why I use one to enhance my running.

For me, it’s experience, support and accountability. I got tired of running the same old runs and avoiding sessions (or knowing what sessions to do). I wanted to see what I could do and what personal bests I could break following a structured programme.

Why work with an Online Running Coach?

What is your aim? Do you want to improve your 5k or marathon time? Alternatively you may just want to follow a structured programme, rather than making it up on your own. Either way having somebody giving your a training plan and feedback focused on your aim(s) will help steer you better.

From working with an online running coach I got that experience, support and accountability. Firstly, sessions that made sense and were achievable for me based on my current level. Secondly, feedback and insight into areas to focus on and core work to help. Lastly, to be held to account against a plan, rather than just me, myself and I to please where its easier to default to the easy option. 🙂

Who is Jonny Mellor?

Jonny Mellor is the founder of JM Coaching and an elite distance runner representing Team New Balance Manchester.

JM Coaching was created as a way to financially support Jonny’s own athletic career while giving something back to the sport he loves, while helping others achieve their goals through online running coaching. He has since gone on to help a number of athletes worldwide to achieve their goals and dreams within the sport.

Having starting with a small group of athletes out of the Underground Training Station Gym in Hoylake in 2013. Jonny has since developed his coaching services to help support a number of athletes across the UK. Jonny is proud to offer online coaching that is based on communication, supported by science, forged in experience and tested and proven on the international stage working with you and not for you.

With over 15-years competing at the highest level Jonny is strongly positioned to offer training tips and advice. Over a distinguished career, Jonny has competed in over 315 events as shown on his Power of 10 Profile, including 8-marathons around the world. Therefore helping you prepare both physically and mentally to reach your goals. As a result of running 2:10:03 at the Seville Marathon in February 2020, Jonny has finally shown his potential as one of Europe’s leading marathon runners. Therefore showing his ability to win medals on the international stage.

How does an Online Running Coach work?

JM Coaching uses the Training Peaks platform to prescribe a running programme focused on your aim(s). It’s a great platform that works nicely with Garmin and other 3rd parties so your activities will be synced automatically.

Training Peaks

Training Peaks will present your programme in a calendar, day by day so you can view prescribed runs. Clicking on each you can read detail for that activity. Once you’ve synced your activity (or manually updated), it’ll turn green, red or yellow to represent how well you met that prescribed activity.

Your online running coach would work with you to upload the programme then adjust as required depending on how you progress towards your goals. Depending on the services provided, a coach would run one to one custom programme with feedback. Alternatively, you may opt for a pre-made programme for a less monthly cost. Options for an online running coach are in context to your needs so it’s worth making contact to discuss. 🏃‍♂️

I get a lot of value from using a running coach, combined with Garmin’s interval training and custom workout features it makes it really easy for me to follow a programme. It also removes that decision point, just follow a programme and reap the rewards.

For more information check out JM Coaching’s services here!

Online Running Coach Jonny Mellor